Monday, 6 June 2011

A Small Summary

I apologise for the lack of attention to my blog recently. Due to finishing university, weddings and other things in life, time got away from me. I have however, been keeping up with the news...

There have been the obvious big news stories - legislation changes and disease outbreaks, but I have also noticed a focus on the effects of climate change and other human activities more recently.

One study from the University of Miama has demonstrated how ocean acidification and the increasing ocean temperatures will reduce ecosystem biodiversity, especially in coral reefs - and not in hundreds of years, SOON. Another described how arctic ice is becoming so thin certain animals will not be able to reside on it for much longer, causing mass extinction.
There was also an interesting piece on possible POSITIVE effects of climate change - see here:

Most of the news stories I have read are extremely negative and accepting. Shouldn't these types of articles aim to create physical change and give people such insight they perhaps change their daily routines to be more eco-friendly? I think there have been enough studies now to show that global warming and the like, is in fact happening, and instead of speculation about it or plain ignorance, people may need to be forced to be more environmentally friendly. Nevermind, O2 emission targets by the government, laws need to be adapted. There needs to be harsher punishments for people who can't do the simplest of tasks, such as recycle. Huge taxes for people who drive 4 x 4s when it isn't required. Even the work place should be made to encourage carpooling or walking to work. It sounds harsh but nobody is willing to change voluntarily.

Otherwise, we will still be drowning in speculation and vague targets when the world comes crashing down.

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