Monday, 18 April 2011

Every Little Helps

I woke up to a nice email today - Tristram Hunt (Labour MP for Stoke on Trent) has signed EDM 1601. This is obviously not down to myself, but I did feel a little triumphant, being one of (hopefully) many lobbying MPs to support this.
For those not in the know, in May, the Natural Environment White Paper will be finalised and
released, and I, among others, am sceptical about if this will actually be enforced or not. NEWP outlines how the government intends to protect wildlife and prevent biodiversity loss. It is ambitious, and can assist in meeting targets for renewable energy, sustainable farming, planning and nature investment. To succeed, the paper requires MP support. The related Early Day Motion (1601) aims to send a message to ministers - to NOT water the paper down. Currently, the EDM is tabled by Martin Horwood MP and
sponsored by MPs from the main political parties.

As I'm sure many agree, it is time for the government to make a clear commitment to haltbiodiversity loss, restore our natural environment and encourage people's connection with nature - 29% of priority species are already lost, to throw in basic statistics. We also need to start committing to the EU to begin restoration
by 2020. This white paper can only be effective if the objec tives set out in it are not weakened by other departments when it is sent for approval by DEFRA. Hence, the need for MP support.

As an unrelated afterthought,  after reading all the hype about the London marathon this year, I was considering applying to run next year. I wouldn't exactly call myself unfit, but I have never ran that distance before. Then there is the big decision to make: which charity would I run for? For me, it would be a toss up between Marine Conservation Society and Friends of the Earth, although Greenpeace may come into it...